Focus on the important

Good morning and happy Sunday!

It was a bit of a crazy week for me. If you don’t know, my mom went into the hospital a week ago with chest pains. She ended up having to have two stents out in. She’s been recovering well, but will take time.l before she’s back to a normal life.

That craziness really had my mind all over the place this week. Honestly I struggled with focus the entire week. Many times in life we lose focus of the important things in life and focus on things that truly don’t matter. This week helped me to remember that.

My encouragement for today is to remember to focus on the important things, like your family. Many times we so caught up in everything else going on that we forget to even say “I love you” to our family. Make it a point this week to tell your family you love them and give them a hug, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Thank you for listening and remember to shine your light this week!