A dogs love

Good morning and happy Sunday!

First, sorry for the long message today.

I have a heavy heart this morning. There are so many people around me that are suffering and hurting. Everything from a death of a loved one to financial struggles to divorce to addictions. We all struggle with things at times and battle demons that nobody knows about.

Honestly I was struggling to find motivation this morning. Struggling to find that encouraging word to send out to you. And as I sit here both of my dogs come up to me and just stare at me. They do this frequently but today it was a reminder of their unconditional love for me.

I did a quick google search for dogs love and came across this:

“Your dog is going to give you unconditional love. You can’t prevent it. That is just what dogs do.“

My dogs love for me is like God’s love for us. Nothing I can do can separate me from that love. Nothing I can do can prevent God from loving me.

Every time I leave the house and come back home I’m greeted by both of my dogs. Both of them are wagging their tails and excited to see me. This reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15. Though I might be gone for a while, when I walk through that door, my dogs (God) welcome me with wagging tails (open arms). They rejoice that I’m back home.

So my encouragement for you today is that no matter what you’re going through, whatever battles you are dealing with, no matter how far from God you think you are, He will welcome you when you come back through that door with open arms, just like my dogs greet me every time.

Thank you for letting me share today. Be in prayer for the people around you that are struggling. Be an encouragement to them. Be someone that’ll just listen when they need someone. And if you are one of them, don’t be ashamed to reach out to someone.

I hope you have a blessed day today and remember to shine your light!

A dogs love