Agape love

Good morning and it’s looking like a beautiful day ahead.

What is love, oh baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more

You totally sang that, I know I did.

But what is love? Every person you ask is going to give you a difference answer because there are different types of love.

Some might instantly go to eros love: a sensual or romantic love. Some might think of storge love: the love you have for your family.

But today I want to talk about agape love, the love that God has for us. I’ll tell you right now there’s a very good chance I wouldn’t be on this earth today if it were not for agape love. Even just a few months ago I was in a pretty dark place and it took God’s agape love for me to pull me out of that and bring me back to a stronger relationship with him.

Am I perfect, heck no, I still struggle with stuff daily. I put myself and my desires before God instead of trusting him. But Gods love convicts me daily.

Just a reminder of God’s agape love for you and my philia (look it up) love for you also today.

Don’t forget to shine your light, it’s a dark world out there.